70 students and young professionals from more than 25 countries, including Israel, Pakistan and Nigeria are coming together to bring to fruition what many assume to be an impossible dream: stepping beyond non-communication and mutual demonization to build a global movement of young Muslims and Jews committed to building a new language of mutual respect.
The ‘MJC’ is an annual 5-day conference, set up in different countries each year, providing a platform for real change in the interaction between young Muslim and Jewish communities. The participants represent a new generation of thinkers and upcoming opinion leaders who are connected by their joint belief in a new era of cooperation. After having produced a thirty-five page joint declaration in 2010, this year the MJC calls for action. In three committees, concrete project will be created with the aim of implementation as a global movement in the coming year.
The conference consists of focused working committees, guest speaker sessions, open dialogue panels and social events. This year, under the Patronage of Russell Simmons and Rabbi Marc Schneier, with outreach to an even greater number of young Muslims and Jews, the ideas behind this grassroots peace movement will be spread globally.
Please do not hesitate to contact the MJC-Team anytime for press inquiries and any other information about MJC via email at valerie.prassl@mjconference.org.
-The MJC Team