Muslim Jewish Conference 2021

Please find below the programme for the 4 days of the conference. Also feel free to join early at 14:30 for a casual hangout before the conference starts, as well as after 18:00 if you wish.


Day 1

  • 15:00 Opening Session & Keynotes
  • 15:15 Introductions & Ice breaker
  • 16:10 Breakout Sessions – Thematic Discussions:
    • Stories of Discrimination (Alan Dosoretz)
    • What you’ve always wanted to ask the other without ever daring to (Rafael Tyszblat)
    • Antisemitism, islamophobia and the media (Parin Begum)
  • 17:00 PODS Discussions: Challenges and achievements of the past two years
  • 18:00 Closing of Day 1 & Informal hangout

Day 2

  • 15:00 MJC Alumni and participant project presentations
    • The Muslim Jewish Festival (Dennis Kirschbaum)
    • The Blackburn Interfaith Forum (Parin Begum)
    • The Interfaith Tour (Radia Bakkouch)
  • 15:15 Speaker Session: The Model of Cooperation Circles
    with Samira Fatma Baručija (United Interfaith Initiative)
  • 15:30 Skill Building Workshops
    • Leading difficult conversations (Melissa Shaw)
    • Active listening in interfaith dialogue (Mohamed Triki Jouini)
    • The Five C’s of Effective Communication (Sami Elmansoury)
  • 16:15 PODS Discussions: Interfaith projects ideation
  • 17:00 Breakout Sessions – Thematic Discussions
    • Memory & Remembrance (Elizabeth Berman)
    • Why is it so difficult to talk about Israel-Palestine (Rafael Tyszblat)
    • Resilience in challenging times (Yair Cohen)
  • 18:00 Closing of Day 2 & Informal hangout

Day 3

  • 15:00 MJC Alumni and participant project presentations
    • The Diversity Network and the Argentinian MJC Local Chapter
      (Melody Khalil Kabalan and Barbie Zeifer)
    • Connecting Actions and the European Institute for Dialogue (Rafael Tyszblat)
    • Nisa-Nashim (Elizabeth Arif-Fear)
  • 15:30 Speaker Session: Dialogue activists as Citizen Diplomats
    with David Wellman (Grace School of Applied Diplomacy at DePaul University)
  • 16:00 PODS Discussions: How MJC can support your projects
  • 17:00 Breakout Sessions – Intra-Faith Discussions
  • 18:00 Closing of Day 3 & Informal hangout

Day 4

  • 15:00 MJC Alumni and participant project presentations
    • Interfaith Initiative of the Negev (Mijael Even David)
    • New Generations (Eliahu Carvajal)
    • Muslim Jewish Solidarity Committee (Michelle Koch)
  • 15:30 Speaker Session: The Abrahamic House Project
    with Mohammed Al Samawi (Abrahamic House)
  • 16:00 Skill Building Workshops
    • Storytelling and interfaith dialogue (Zachary Gallant)
    • Facilitating difficult dialogue (Rafael Tyszblat)
  • 17:00 Flexible Agenda – Presentations or PODs Discussion
  • 17:30 Moving forward – The future of Muslim Jewish Cooperation
  • 17:45 Closing of Day 4 and MJC 2021
  • 18:00 Thursday night party!