The Muslim Jewish Conference has been covered in a variety of important publications around the world. This is just an assortment of publications that has written about the MJC:

Find a complete list of press coverage below.
MJC 2016, Berlin
English language
- Muslims and Jews from around the world gather in Berlin for seventh annual interfaith confab – The Jerusalem Post
- No place I would rather be – Fearless Communicators
- Three things I learned at the Muslim Jewish Conference – The Get on Up blog
- At Berlin Summit, Muslim and Jewish Youth Offered Glimpse of Bright Future – Haaretz
- Us and them – The Jeu Magazine
- Among the ruins in Jerusalem and Berlin: A call to return – The Jerusalem Post
- Bonding amidst horror – The Friday Times
- The world is not a safe space – The Leveller
- Lest we forget – Newsweek Middle East
- Us and them – Times of Israel
German Coverage
- Wir müssen reden – Norddeutscher Rundfunk
- Gemeinsam Vorurteile überwinden – Jüdische Allgemeine
- MJC in Sachsenhausen – Muslimisch-jüdischer Dialog –üddeutsche Zeitung
- Feindbilder überwinden – Die Muslim Jewish Conference – Norddeutscher Rundfunk
Hungarian Coverage
- Csepp a tengerben – Miért fontos a vallások közötti párbeszéd? – Kibic Magazin
Slovak Coverage
- V Berlíne sa konal 7. ročník muslimsko-židovskej konferencie. – Islam Online
Dutch Coverage
- Na The Muslim Jewish Conference heb ik weer hoop – Trouw
MJC 2015 , Berlin
English coverage:
- Where does anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic hate speech overlap? – The Express Tribune Pakistan
- A testimony to the turning point of the ‘Final Solution’- The Jerusalem Post
- Our man in Berlin- J wire
- Muslim and Jewish Young leaders address share challenges – Dip Note (U.S. State Department Blog)
- Between Shoa and Srebrenica: Jews and Muslims are a family- DasBiber
- Muslim Jewish Conference: Putting it all together- Fearless Communications
- Jews and Muslims over a hundred young people to Berlin for a week of debates- Saphir News
- The Last Word: A Unique Gathering- AIJAC
- ‘Jews have no idea about Islam. Muslims have no idea of Judaism’- Deutsch Türkisches Journal
- Muslim Jewish Conference: Against Islamophobia, anti Semitism and hate speech- Berliner Zeitung
- Muslim Jewish Conference Held in Berlin- Berlin Global
- Muslims ‘risking lives’ to meet Jews at Annual Muslim-Jewish Conference- The Jewish Chronicle
- Muller’s participants of the Muslim Jewish Conference Welcome- The Governing Mayor,
- The 2015 Muslim Jewish Conference: Rooted in community, striding towards professionalism- The Times of Israel
German coverage:
- “Lever Hatred”- Jüdische Allgemeine
- An interreligious friendship in Niedersachsen- Deutschlandradio Kultur
- Muslim Jewish Conference 2015 Berlin- EVZ Stiftung
- Muslims and Jews want zerreden enemy- Deutschlandfunk
- Jews and Muslims come together in Berlin- Islam iQ
MJC 2014, Vienna
English coverage:
- The 2014 Muslim Jewish Conference: An Ambitious, Daring and Unforgettable Week – Huffington Post
- Muslim Jewish Conference: The ghosts of Mauthausen – Express Tribune Magazine
- In Vienna, Muslim-Jewish dialogue tackles conflict head-on –Times of Israel (English)
- Young Jews and Muslims learn to get along in Vienna – Haaretz
- Beyond conflict, prejudice, and stereotype –Daily News Egypt
- The grassroots group uniting Muslims and Jews – The Local
- Amid roiling tensions in the Middle East, the Muslim-Jewish conference gears up for its fifth year – Jerusalem Post
- The grassroots group uniting Muslims and Jews – Hope not Hate
- Stereotypes and Similarities at Muslim Jewish Conference – The Jewish Daily Forward
- 100 Jews and Muslims meet in Vienna – The Local
Slovak coverage:
- Kým strieľajú, musíme bojovať za mier – Delet
Croatian coverage:
- Muslimansko-jevrejska konferencija: Korak ka boljem razumijevanju – BEHAR
German coverage:
- Wiener Konferenz: Mit Muslimen in die Synagoge – Die Presse
- Moslems und Juden besuchen den Wiener Stadttempel – Austria Presse Agentur-OTS
- Muslim Jewish Conference: Gründer Ilja Sichrovsky redet über Zukunftspläne – M-media
- Shalom and Salam – fasten seat belts (blog site)
- Antisemitismus: Von wegen Rückgang! – Jüdische Allgemeine
- Mein bester Freund ein Moslem, ein Jude – FM4 ORF
- Vom Aha-Erlebnis zum interreligiösen Dialog – Neue Zurcher Zeitung
- 100 Juden und Muslime tagen ab Donnerstag – Heute
Brazilian coverage:
- Em Viena, jovens muçulmanos e judeus combatem juntos antissemitismo e islamofobia – CONIB
French coverage:
- A Vienne, le dialogue judéo-musulman prend le conflit à bras-le-corps – Times of Israel (Francais)
Spanish coverage:
- CJL. Convivencia judío-musulmana: “Buscamos construir un mensaje de paz en una Latinoamérica que lo necesita” –Iton Gadol News
- Jóvenes judíos y musulmanes aprenden a convivir en Viena – Jewish News Agency / Iton Gadol News
MJC 2013, Sarajevo
English coverage:
- Bringing Young Jews and Muslims Together, Global Jewish Voice
- OSCE Acting Head emphasizes importance of inter-faith co-operation in long-term peace building, OSCE BiH
- MJC 2013: What the world can learn from Sarajevo, UJS Blog
- Muslims & Jews Together in Sarajevo, Shtetl Magazine (Listen to the radio interview here.)
- Muslim Jewish Conference Meets In Sarajevo To Combat Islamophobia And Anti-Semitism, The Huffington Post, Abrahamic Alliance International, The Balkan Chronicle, Worldwide Religious News
- Muslim Jewish Dialogue in Sarajevo, The Times of Israel
- World Roundup, Jewish News Online
- Muslims and Jews Bridge the Divide in Sarajevo, South African Jewish Report [PDF, Page 7]
- Muslim Jewish Conference Sarajevo 2013, Jewrnalism
- At a Muslim-Jewish conference, dialogue and hope, JTA
Bosnian coverage:
- Dokumentarni film o saradnji Jevreja i muslimana u najtežim trenucima [Documentary about cooperation of Jews and Muslims in the most difficult moments], Haber BA
- Muslimansko-jevrejska konferencija u Sarajevu ovoga ljeta, Rijaseta IZ u BiH,, Balkan Islamic Studies,, 24 Sata, Vazdan,
- Četvrta muslimansko-jevrejska konferencija u Sarajevu od 1. do 5. jula, TRT Bosnian,, Sandžak PRESS, SANA Press
- Četvrta muslimanko-jevrejska konferencija Sarajevo preko ideje mostarskog Starog mosta, 24/7
- Sarajevo: Izetbegović otvorio muslimansko-jevrejsku konferenciju, Slobodna Bosna
- Bosna’da “Müslüman-Yahudi” Konferansı, Haberciniz
- Četvrta Muslimansko-jevrejska konferencija,
- Za bolje razumijevanje različitih zajednica, AlJazeera Balkans
German coverage:
- “Nicht erwartet, dass daraus eine Bewegung wird” – Muslim Jewish Conference (MJC) tagt zum vierten Mal – dieses Jahr in Sarajevo, Wiener Zeitung
- Radio Interview of MJC Secretary General Ilja Sichrovsky, OE1
Malaysian coverage:
- Pemuda Muslim Dan Yahudi Duduk Bersama Di Sarajevo, Mizan Mag
MJC 2012, Bratislava
English coverage:
- Third Muslim-Jewish Conference opens in Slovakia, Jerusalem Post
- Jewish, Muslim student leaders meet to promote direct dialogue, Jewish Journal, JTA, The Jewish Daily Forward, St. Louis Jewish Light, CNN Belief Blog, The Times of Israel
- 100 Jews and Muslims Gather for International Interfaith Conference, Digital Journal, PR Newswire, Wallstreet Online, Ahlul Bayt News Agency
- Slovakia Hosts 3rd International Conference between Muslim & Jewish Youth Leaders, Islam Today
- The Muslim-Jewish Conference: Bringing Global Interfaith Dialogue to the Forefront, JSpace
- Signs Of Slovakia’s Jewish Past And Present, The Jewish Week
- Young Jewish and Muslim Leaders Meet in Slovakia, Develop Grassroots Empowerment Initiatives, Religion News Service
- Seeing a New Light: Reflections of MJC 2012, Beeworker
- Local Woman Attends International Gathering of Muslims and Jews in Slovakia, Las Vegas Sun
- MJC 2012 participants – Daniel Katzew and Zahraa Khotu – interviewed by South African Jewish Board of Deputies, SAJBD
- Question Yourself And Ask The Other, Jewsrnalism
- Interview with MJC Executive Director Anna Magnand, UNAOC Global Forum
- Once Upon a Different Conference, Jewrnalism, Jewish Journal
- German Jewish and Muslim Leaders Gather for Twinning Event, FFEU
Slovak coverage:
- Tretí ročník medzinárodnej Moslimsko-židovskej konferencie v Bratislave, SMA
- Moslimsko – židovská konferencia v Bratislave, Delet
- HOSŤ V ŠTÚDIU: Iľja Sichrovskij o Moslimsko-židovskej konferencii, TA3
- OTS: Tretí ročník medzinárodnej Moslimsko-židovskej konferencie v Bratislave, Hlvane Spravy
Bosnian coverage:
- Završena treća muslimansko-jevrejska konferencija, Haber
German coverage:
- Juden und Muslime vereint gegen Rassismus, Diversity Mediawatch Austria
- El Hadi Khelladi vertritt RAMSA bei der Muslim Jewish Conference 2012, RAMSA
Swedish coverage:
- Här talar unga muslimer och judar med varandra, Dagen
MJC 2011, Kiev
English coverage:
- Interfaith conference to bring Jews, Muslims together in Ukraine, The Jerusalem Post
- Jewish and Muslim youth leaders from 25 countries to meet in Ukraine, World Jewish Congress
- The Muslim-Jewish Conference is coming to Kiev, Haaretz
- World’s Largest-Ever Gathering of Muslim & Jewish Youth Leaders to Convene in Kiev, Islam Today
- European Jewish, Muslim leaders denounce extremism, JTA
- Second Annual Muslim Jewish Conference held in Kiev, Ukraine, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
- Muslim-Jewish parley seeks ‘platform for dialogue’, The Jerusalem Post, Ahlul Bayt News Agency
- In Kiev, bringing Jews and Muslims together, Yale Divinity School
- In Kiev, Ukrainian and Russian Muslim and Jewish leaders pledge cooperation, World Jewish Congress
- Jewish and Muslim leaders join forces to combat xenophobia, Haaretz, Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Islamophobia Today
- Jews and Muslims Fight Extremism Together, Virtual Jerusalem
- Muslim-Jewish Conference Builds Ties, Muslim Voices
- Jewish, Muslim teens meet in Kiev, YNetNews
- ROI youth magnet for global change, The Jerusalem Post, Jewish Journal
- Faith leaders meet at EU Commission in Brussels, European Jewish Press
- Jews, Muslims hold world’s largest dialogue, YNetNews
- Group promotes moderate Islam after bin Laden death, The Jerusalem Post
- Interview: Promoting diversity, Dawn
German coverage:
- Allen Widerständen zum Trotz: Dialog!, Hagalil
- Spindelegger: Dialog der Religionen unerlässlich zur Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung und Ausländerfeindlichkeit, Osterreich Journal
French coverage:
- UKRAINE – Seconde conférence annuelle des musulmans et juifs à Kiev, Israel Infos
MJC 2010, Vienna
English coverage:
- The Muslim Jewish Conference, UNAOC Youth
- First Muslim-Jewish Conference Held in Vienna, Jewish News from Austria
- Guestspeakers at the ‘Muslim Jewish Conference’ 2010: Rabbi Marc Schneier, Dr Faouzi Skali, Rabbi Marc Raphaël Guedj, Ibrahim Issa, AlBawaba News
- Building Muslim-Jewish Ties In Vienna, And Beyond, The Jewish Week
German coverage
- Den Vorurteilen zu Leibe rücken, Juedische Allgemeine
- Muslim Jewish Conference in Wien, Die Presse
- Muslim-Jewish-Conference in Wien, Mittagsjournal ORF
- ‘Muslim Jewish Conference’ findet vom 1. bis 6. August 2010 in Wien statt, OTS
- Wo Pakistanis und Israelis miteinander reden, Juedische Allgemeine
- Moslems und Juden bauten in Wien sechs Tage lang Vorurteile ab, Tiroler Tageszeitung
- Die Aussprache Unserer Namen Darf Kein Hindernis Für Freundschaft Sein” – Erste Muslim-Jewish Conference, Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen